"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where your goalposts are."- Arnold G. Glasgow
Example: If you do not have goals set for yourself, you will probably not care about getting good grades in school. However, if you have goals already set for yourself, then you will push yourself to do better to achieve those goals.
Reflection: Goals are very important in life because they show what your future will be like. if you work hard everyday towards these goals and constantly remind yourself, you will be a step closer to success. People that are successful all had goals at one point, then by putting in hard work, they finally accomplished them. No one is born successful, and success is entitled to no one. If you are enthusiastic everyday to learn and obtain new information, it shows that you are putting in effort to reach your goals. Goals are the first step towards becoming successful. Once you start doing your best at everything, you will be closer to success than you would without any goals.
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