the part i like most about this class is that i can see all the quotes that Mr hay more shows us. I get so see new quotes about life. They can help me later on in the future. The parts i dont like about is how we have to always type what the quote. i dont like to type all the time. Some suggestions i recommend is that one day we type the quote and the next we just read it and watch a video about it or something related to to the topic. I tried my best to be a CTR sometimes i would CTR and sometimes i would not be but i am working on it. i am kinda committed to being a CTR I will try to be full committed.
Monday, December 14, 2015
What this quote means to me is ,what ever you think is right to do then do it, its like saying always do the right thing . Doing the right can lead to wrong but it might back fire in good ways too. Always do the right can be like ,always telling the true but what if something happen to you cause you told the truth . Always do the right is helping someone in need or. Whatever you think is the right thing to do then you should do it cause you thought is was right .If it does turn out bad you tried nobody is perfect .You lead your own path !!and if you choose your path you will be abel to go far.
always do whats right.
by -mark twain
What this quote means to me is ,what ever you think is right to do then do it, its like saying always do the right thing . Doing the right can lead to wrong but it might back fire in good ways too. Always do the right can be like ,always telling the true but what if something happen to you cause you told the truth . Always do the right is helping someone in need or. Whatever you think is the right thing to do then you should do it cause you thought is was right .If it does turn out bad you tried nobody is perfect .You lead your own path !!and if you choose your path you will be abel to go far.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Its better to be alone than to be in bad company
what this quot means that being alone is better then with bad company. so being by your self can help you do stuff. like study and do other stuff that can help us with life. if you had bad company bad things can happen. it can be fun at first but then things might happen like doing things you will regret like post somthing you did not like or sleep with a person.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."
-Evan Stephens

Friday, December 4, 2015
Three questions -Lou Holtz

People could trust me with all kinds of things, that they know I won't snitch. I commit on trying to do my best on all things that reflect on m. I treat some people different normally depending on the person. If the person is messed up then I behave messed up to him. If the person is nice then I behave good to them. And what this is saying if you do these you wont be able to fail to do stuff. And if you treat people the way you want to be treated you will gain there respect
1. Can people trust me to do whats right?
2. Am I commited to doing my very best?
3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?

People could trust me with all kinds of things, that they know I won't snitch. I commit on trying to do my best on all things that reflect on m. I treat some people different normally depending on the person. If the person is messed up then I behave messed up to him. If the person is nice then I behave good to them. And what this is saying if you do these you wont be able to fail to do stuff. And if you treat people the way you want to be treated you will gain there respect
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Physical fitness
physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body it is based on dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. much is not yet understood but we do know what the Greeks knew that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy
What this quote talks about is that physical avtivity is important. It not only helps the body but it helps the mind as well. John F. Kennedy strongly supported physical education. He did many good things in American but since he did good he got shot. After his death many people got into the idea of physical education. Thanks to our president we now have physical education. That helps us grow in body and mind.and strong.
physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body it is based on dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. much is not yet understood but we do know what the Greeks knew that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy
healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."
-President John F. Kennedy

Monday, November 30, 2015

"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
-Joseph B. Wirthlin
What this quote talks about is being kind. An example of being kind is if your is in a fight and you see him. You are gonna help him because its the act of kindness. So to make ten sentence out of this quote ima right stuff. So i need a few more sentence to type now. To pass the time of me typing them heres another example. Helping people out in anything is another act of kindness. For me i gotta buy a knife, name it kindness. So kindness is greatness. you have to help with kindness because that is greatness.
Thanksgiving week
- I did nothing which is doing something.
- I went to .the park every morning.
- I met a wedding couple and a few of their friends.
- I was watching all the movies of star wars
- I kinda chosed the wrong in Black Friday
- I played soccer with some friends.
- i played guitar.
- I did some Spanish homework and geometry.
- i went to go shoot

Thursday, November 19, 2015
if it is not right do not do it if it is not true do not say bit
What this means is that if you see something or do something you don't do it . because you can get you in trouble and you know you should have not done it. same thing with the other. if it is not true what you are going to say don't say it because you cant cause something to happen like hurt someone or something.
What this means is that if you see something or do something you don't do it . because you can get you in trouble and you know you should have not done it. same thing with the other. if it is not true what you are going to say don't say it because you cant cause something to happen like hurt someone or something.
Thanksgiving (My favorite holiday besides Halloween)
Thanksgiving is a holiday in which Americans and Canadians celebrate.(They separate it on different days Canada: October 12 second Monday of October U.S last Thursday of November.) What is the meaning of Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving started around 1606. It was the time when America was still the "New World" and when pilgrims were coming in through the Mayflower. Of course the pilgrims were still new to America and they had no idea how to survive the harsh winter. Many were dying from pneumonia and starvation until one of the "Indians" decided to help them out. He taught them how to hunt, fish and grow crops. Thanks to the Native Americans being so kind to the pilgrims they had enough food for the winter (they also had extra.) SInce they had enough to spare they decided to celebrate their good fortune with the Natives. It was their way of showing thanks to them. And so Thanksgiving became a tradition to show thankfulness to your family, freinds and loved ones. Because what's better than to say thank you with food? who doesn't love food?
1) I am thankful for having a family. (im thankful for that because many times i take them for granted.)
2) i am thankful for the people who still talk to me (which i have no idea why. I'm annoying as hell, i talk too much, i make no sense, i have no idea how to expalin things i overhtink/ over explain,i rant without meaning to,i have low self esteem, and i bring up too many refrences from boooks or shows no one has even heard of. im sorry for you to have to read all that)
3) i am thankful for living, for being awake at this moment to be taking another breath( even though many times i don't want to be alive i take life for granted)
4) i am thankful for having wonderfull people in my life (and some may not talk to me as much, some live in a diffrent state and are still holding on, and some get mad at me various times -i don't blame them- i still care for them though i'd do anything for them)
5) i am thankful for having creativity
7) i am thankful for writting this because now i know i don't apreciate many things even though they are right in front of my face.
8) i am thankful for having food, water, clothing, and sources of entertainment.
9) i am thankful for watching Marble hornets, anime, and reading creepypasta.
10) i am thankful for people who are willing to help me.(in my project *cough* animation post *cough)
11) i am thankful for those who care about me.
12) i am thankful for being able to speak, see, touch, taste, and hear
CONGRAGULATIONS YOU'RE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE LIST NOW!!!!!! ( i have no idea why you stuck around but here have a cat0=^=0)
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Doing what is right,fair and honorable
Doing what is right, fair and honorable
"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
Chick Moorman
what this quote means is that doing the right thing is more important that winning or will be more fun when you win something and that you know you win it by doing the right thing.doing the wrong is like losing and stuff. doing good is like winning and doing bad is like losing
Duties and Responsibilities:
Oncologists are physicians and surgeons who evaluate and treat patients suffering from cancer. Their responsibility includes talking with patients about symptoms and examining signs of the disease. They also analyze test results, and discuss treatments options and monitor patient’s progress during therapy.
Salary: $184,820
You need a Bachelor’s degree, and it must include course work in biological and chemical sciences. You also need to get in to a good school which requires you to pass a MCAT. This is a program that takes four years to complete, and includes classroom studies, lab work, and supervised clinical or hospital rotations. You also need a 3-8 years of internship and residence. Last you need to be licensed.
no i would not like to be a onco;ogist because doctors are not my thing i dont want to spend more time in school
Friday, November 13, 2015
- Have the courage to say no.
- Have the courage to face the truth.
- Do the right thing because it is right.
By: W. Clement Stone
What this is trying to say is that if you want to be successful and not do bad things then you have to learn how to say no. You have to learn how to say no to bad things that people offer you to do. For example if someone offers you to smoke you have to say no because smoking is bad and you have to be courageous enough to say no to them. You have to do what you think is the best for you not for others. If you don't think smoking is good then don't do it and choose what is right. Your the only one who could make decisions for themselves and that is it. No one can force you to do anything! Just say no to bad things that you don't think that are going to make your life better. You have to be brave for yourself and your future. Your future is depending on your actions and how you think. If you smoke and do all bad things you aren't going to get no where in life because you are choosing what is wrong for you. You need to do good, you need to make good decisions that you will be proud of when you think about how far you have gotten .
health sciences libraian
Health sciences librarian
duties and responsibilities: Librarians are responsible for finding the most suitable resources, cataloging those materials so they can be found easily, and helping users find what they need.
salary:$ $57,193
education: in becoming a medical librarian must complete a 4-year baccalaureate.
summary: I would not like to be one because i am not interested in to sciences. It insist my thing. i have other jobs in mind.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is formerly known as Armistice Day. It was originally set as a U.S legal holiday to honor the end of World War I. It officially took place November 11, 1918. It is important to show honor on Veterans Day because it shows respect for those who were willing to risk their lives to serve our country. Ways to show honor and respect for veterans on Veterans Day would be attending a veterans day even in your area. If you know a veteran you would right them a thank you letter for everything they have done for us.
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